Friday, August 21, 2020

September 6, 2017 Essays - Education, Assumption,

September 6, 2017 Test Three Gates of Gold Investigate components of diary (Apply to Hughes) Gover your grammer scaled down test with Bar Chart For Friday Peruse My Alter journal on Blackboard-Course content test. Search for an email, most likely in A3011 Three Gates of Gold Is it valid? Is it needful ? Is it kind? Title-Salvation 2 nd sentence part Settle on choice about time You must have foundation Use images ( Simile , Metaphors, Personification) One line section can be exceptionally successful Must have exchange and individuals in your story Have a critical point 700-800 words max Journal originates from the word memory Where and Setting Who? Discourse What drove up? Foundation and age For when? Peak ( Climax is when strife has been settled) Why? For what reason are we recounting story, what is the criticalness of this story Try not to part with point until end What feeling do we need in peruser, they have to feel our feeling Qualifier changes everything

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